Meet Best Pigmentation Doctor at DNA Skin Clinic

Sunlights are the best source of vitamin D, which ensures healthy bones and skin. However, nowadays, due to the depletion in the ozone layer, skin problems like pigmentation have become common. Pigmentation is addressed to the coloring of the skin. There are cells called melatonin that give color to the skin. Any damage to the cell directly affects melatonin production. Certain skin issues directly impact a small portion of the skin whereas, others impact the complete body. 

The best Pigmentation Treatment Specialist in Bangalore at DNA Skin Clinic believed that excessive melanin production causes the skin to darken. Further, Addison’s illness, pregnancy, and too much sun exposure can all darken the skin. Likewise, when the body produces less melatonin, the body becomes lighter in the shade. Hence, consulting a skin doctor can help diagnose the root cause.

Types of Skin Pigmentation Disorders 

One’s skin reflects whatever goes on beneath it. The skin is prone to change colors for various reasons, including trauma, pigment disorders, and other changes. Skin discoloration may happen due to hypopigmentation and hyperpigmentation. 


Hypopigmentation is when a specific skin area is lighter than the rest of the body. This phenomenon occurs when the cells fail to generate enough melanin. The effects may look like spots on the entire body. Multiple factors may trigger this condition. Some of them are given below: 

  1. Psoriasis (an inflammatory skin problem) and eczema (Arapic dermatitis)

  2. Infections, burns, or some other chemical reaction. 

  3. The absence of melanin-producing enzymes causes a rare hereditary disorder called albinism. 


Hyperpigmentation is a condition where the skin generates more melatonin than needed. One can see several darker spots than the rest of the skin. This condition impacts everyone, irrespective of skin type. Some of the examples may include a cut or burn. Some hyperpigmentation symptoms may appear after an injury. This is noticeable on any part of the body. Extra pigment on certain parts of the body is usually considered harmless. However, sometimes, it may indicate an underlying medical condition. If one needs to see a Skin Specialist in Bangalore to treat pigmentation issues, they can visit DNA Skin Clinic. Further, there are certain reasons for this condition to occur which may include but are not limited to the following: 

  1. Birthmarks

  2. Age spots 

  3. Acne scars

  4. Cryotherapy

  5. Sun Exposure 

  6. Drugs like birth control pills or antibiotics 

  7. Addison’s disease 

  8. Pregnancy. 

Common types of Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation can be bifurcated into different categories depending on its triggering factors. Some of the most common variations include: 

1. Melasma: Melasma is the outcome of normal changes, such as changes during pregnancy. Dark forehead and upper lips are common symptoms to identify this condition. Further, the face and abdominal area can change color during pregnancy. Men are also impacted by it, but women are more prone to it. 

Melasma can show up in three areas as nose, cheeks, upper lips, and forehead, which can be classified as:

  1. Dermal Melasma 

  2. Epidermal Melasma 

  3. Mixed Melanin

2. Sun Spots: Also known as Solar Lentigines, sun spots are the darker spots visible on the face, upper back, forearms, chest, and shoulders. The areas more exposed to the sunlight are prone to see this common skin condition. 

3. Freckles or Ephelides: Freckles are small spots occurring on the skin. They are usually black, brown, reddish, or honey and are darker than the skin around them. They are usually caused due to increased melanocytes and dark pigment melanin. It can happen due to genetic reasons and go away during winter. However, the condition can return if the sunscreen is not used properly.

4. Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH): This condition can be seen because of an inflammation of the wound or any skin injury. This pigmentation is common among people with pimples on their faces. PIH can impact anyone, but the condition is more common among people with dark skin tones. The treatment for this pigmentation is lengthy and may take 6-12 months to finally see some improvements. 

How is Pigmentation Disorders Diagnosed?

Skin Doctor at DNA Skin Clinic uses different methods to diagnose skin pigmentation disorders by carefully examining one’s medical conditions and running certain tests. Some tests are done as follows: 

  1. Visual Examination: In this method, the doctor examines all the visible symptoms of the given issue. The dermatologist will see the pigmentation type and will conclude accordingly.

  2. Woods Lamp: Doctors may also use wood lamps, a tool healthcare specialists provide to examine the patient’s skin. The lamp emits a certain backlight, or ultraviolet light (UV light) flashes on the skin making specific cells glow. It is a painless process that is useful in finding the causes of pigmentation disorders. 

  3. Skin Biopsy: The doctor will take out skin cells or a skin sample to test it in the laboratory. A small amount of anesthetics is also used to numb the skin. This process is almost painless. During an anesthesia shot, the patient may feel a slight pinch of the syringe entering the body. 

Other Dermatological Diagnostic Tests: The doctors may run other skin tests such as:

  1. Culture: taking skin samples to test for viruses, bacteria, and fungi.

  2. Skin Patch Test: In this test, small amounts of different substances are applied to test for allergens. 

The doctor also determines the factors causing pigmentation to treat the concern effectively.

Best Pigmentation Treatments at DNA Skin Clinic

Pigmentation can occur for various reasons and can be removed with different treatments. DNA Skin Clinic provides the best pigmentation treatments in Bangalore. Their treatments include: 

  1. Chemical Peels 

Chemical peels help remove the outermost layer of the skin while stimulating the development of the inner skin cells. It ensures smoother, softer, brighter, and healthier skin. More the skin is removed, the more dramatic results one can see. Depending upon the requirements, acids are decided. Alpha Hydroxy Acids, such as glycolic acid, lactic acid, and fruit acids, are typically used. After the chemical peel treatment, one must stay away from direct sunlight for a suggested time period.

  1. Laser Toning 

Laser toning is one of the most trending pigmentation treatment options these days as it doesn’t have downtime. In fact, instead of working on the topmost layer of the skin, the laser targets deep skin cells to break the melanin pigment. Further, the head laser triggers collagen production, ensuring smooth and healthy-looking skin. Therefore, one can enjoy overall rejuvenated skin apart from getting rid of dark spots. The best part is this procedure is virtually painless. One can see results for the next few weeks. For a long-lasting impact, more sessions may be needed.

  1. Intense Pulsed Light 

IPL is a non-ablative treatment which is alternatively called photo facial. It stimulates collagen production and the development of inner skin. It also treats post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and freckles. Apart from pigmentation, IPL can provide promising results for spider veins. 

  1. Lightening Creams 

Lighting creams are tropical items that diminish the melanin level. Therefore, reducing pigmentation. The doctor will prescribe its application regime after examining the patient’s skin. All skin types can benefit from it, especially those facing melasma. 

Pigmentation can ruin the look of a beautiful face. If one is looking to get rid of hyper-pigmentation and needs the best Pigmentation Treatment in Bangalore, one can visit DNA Skin Clinic. It has all the latest tools and dermatological techniques to provide unparalleled results to the client offered under the supervision of the best pigmentation treatment doctor.

If you want to know more about Best Treatment Options for Facial hyperpigmentation watch this video

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DNA Skin Clinic

Dr. Priyanka Reddy is a renowned Skin Specialist in Bangalore. who performs the Best Psoriasis Treatment in Bangalore. She has had many happy patients in her 12 years of journey as a Dermatologist. She is a qualified MBBS, MD - Dermatology. She is currently practicing at DNA Skin Clinic in Kalyan Nagar, Bangalore. Dr. Priyanka Reddy (M.B.B.S, M.D;D.V.L, Fellowship in Cosmetology from the USA) is a renowned dermatologist, cosmetologist, and trichologist in Bangalore.