Acne: Causes, Symptoms & Best Treatments

Most people will have acne at some point in their lives. Teenagers and young adults are particularly affected by this prevalent skin issue. Although it is not a medical illness that poses a threat to life, it can be uncomfortable when it is severe. Its presence on the body's visible areas might cause emotional distress and impair confidence or self-esteem. Thus, eliminating acne becomes essential.

Additionally, the finest Dermatologist in Bangalore and the founder of DNA Skin Clinic, Dr. Priyanka Reddy, has provided informative information regarding acne and its linked issues to help people understand it, its causes, and its remedies. To discover more about these possibilities, keep reading.

What Causes Acne?

  1. The softness and lubrication of human skin and hair are maintained by sebum, a natural oil produced by the sebaceous glands found just below the skin's surface; sebum leaves the skin pores and moves up the hair follicles, which are made up of oil and hair glands, to the epidermis. Additionally, the hair follicles regularly exfoliate dead skin cells, which sebum then carries to the skin's surface for elimination from the body. Acne is a skin lesion that develops when the skin produces too much sebum and dead skin cells, which cling together and block the skin pores.

  2. In rare instances, a few bacteria, most frequently Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes), typically located on the skin's surface, start to increase in the sebum in the blocked pore, causing swelling and redness. This aids in the appearance of pimples.

Risk Factors for Acne Development

  1. An inherited tendency toward acne. There is typically a long family history of acne among those who have it. Many children who have acne also have acne-prone parents or siblings.

  2. Use of certain drugs, such as corticosteroids or birth control pills.

  3. A greater amount of oil is produced in response to hormonal changes brought on by puberty or pregnancy (particularly a rise in testosterone).

  4. A diet high in refined sugars or carbohydrates, as that found in bread and chips.

  5. Hormone changes are brought on by puberty, pregnancy, or menopause. 

  6. Scratching, pricking, or rubbing, the pimple or acne.

  7. Stress (since it could boost the level of cortisol hormone, thereby causing acne to flare)

  8. Usage of fatty or oily cosmetics in excess.

  9. Environmental factors such as high humidity and air pollution.

Types and Symptoms of Acne

Here are the top six forms of acne:

  1. Blackheads (Open Comedones) - These clogged pores have a darker upper surface because they are open at the center and exposed to air (black color due to oxidation).

  2. Whiteheads (Closed Comedones)- These clogged hair follicles protrude from the skin and are sealed off from the atmosphere. They appear as little white lumps under the skin because they lack a visible entrance. They might be firmer than blackheads and incapable of being squeezed empty.

  3. Papules- These tiny red pimples can be painful and irritating to the touch.

  4. Pustules (commonly known as pimples)- These are inflammatory clogged pores that are similar to papules but filled with pus, giving them the appearance of red bumps in the middle with white tips.

  5. Nodules are painful, hard bumps that develop beneath the skin's surface.

  6. Cysts (Most Severe Type)- These pimples are deeper under the skin, bigger (about an inch across), unpleasant, pus-filled, and carry the highest risk of leaving permanent scars.

Dermatological Acne Treatment

For acne, there are numerous dermatological therapies available. In order to treat severe acne and avoid scarring, some dermatological treatments are frequently carried out. These function by removing damaged skin and lowering excess sebum. At DNA Skin Clinic, some of the in-office acne treatments include:

  1. Photodynamic Therapy involves applying a solution to the treatment area that makes the skin more sensitive to light or lasers (i.e. acne-prone skin). It is given some time to settle (i.e. between 15 minutes to 3 hours). Afterwards, a specific light or laser device is held over the skin's surface to reduce sebum production and heat-shock microorganisms that cause acne. This procedure is used to treat severe cases of acne, such as nodules and cysts.

  2. Chemical Acids remove the top layer of skin that has been damaged by acne. The young skin that is underneath that is not severely injured is shown as the skin peels off. Additionally, it might lessen minor acne scars. Salicylic acid, lactic acid, glycolic acid, mandelic acid, Jessner's solution, and trichloroacetic acid are a few examples of superficial and medium-depth peels that are useful for treating aggressive acne.

  3. Carbon Laser Peel is the most recent development in acne treatment. This gentle toning and exfoliating technique rapidly eliminates pigmentation and stubborn chronic acne. In this procedure, a layer of evenly distributed liquid activated carbon is applied to the surface of the affected skin. Once it is dried, the impurities (dirt or debris), dead skin cells and extra oils present in the upper skin layers are firmly bound to by the carbon that has been applied. The targeted area is then exposed to a laser light beam for a predetermined amount of time.

Before being softly removed by vacuum suction along with the materials it has aggressively absorbed, the carbon actively absorbs the light and is broken up into tiny fragments. In addition, the heat produced by laser light encourages the synthesis of new collagen and the emergence of skin with a healthy-looking complexion. As a result, the skin structure is noticeably reinforced, and the opened pores are cleaned and removed.

  1. Photopneumatic Therapy in this type of therapy, a vacuum and incredibly powerful pulsed light is used. This works by clearing the clogged pores of additional dead skin cells and oil. It works well as a treatment for certain pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads.

However, several alternatives are available for managing and treating acne. Remember that persistence and patience are vital components of any acne prevention approach one chooses, advises renowned dermatologist Dr. Priyanka Reddy.

There are many more treatments available for acne reduction. So if one is looking for effective Acne Treatment in Bangalore, one can book a consultation at DNA Skin Clinic to get consulted by the leading dermatologist for acne, Dr. Priyanka Reddy. The skilled doctor is the Founder and Chairperson of DNA Skin Clinic. One can also contact the clinic to find the best treatment for other skin conditions such as vitiligo, psoriasis, fungal infections, pigmentation, freckles, eczema, ingrown toenails, and many more that can yield excellent outcomes.

If you want to know more about Causes of Pimples/ Acne | Best Treatments for Acne watch this video

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DNA Skin Clinic

Dr. Priyanka Reddy is a renowned Skin Specialist in Bangalore. who performs the Best Psoriasis Treatment in Bangalore. She has had many happy patients in her 12 years of journey as a Dermatologist. She is a qualified MBBS, MD - Dermatology. She is currently practicing at DNA Skin Clinic in Kalyan Nagar, Bangalore. Dr. Priyanka Reddy (M.B.B.S, M.D;D.V.L, Fellowship in Cosmetology from the USA) is a renowned dermatologist, cosmetologist, and trichologist in Bangalore.